Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Quick and Easy Facial

I came up with this quick and easy facial last night while making some Ramen for a nighttime snack.

  1. Boil some water (hence how ramen comes into the situation) and have a bowl, a towel, and some lemon ready.
  2. Squeeze the lemon into the bowl with no water. As soon as the water is ready, pour it into the bowl.
  3. quickly put your face over the steam and drape a towel over your head to trap any excess steam that might try to escape. Stay under there for as long as you like or can stand it.
  4. Once you are ready, wash your face with an exfoliant scrub. I prefer St. Ives Apricot Scrub (as pictured below).
  5. When you are done washing, cover your face in a pore tightening mask like Queen Helene's Mint Julep Masque. Keep this on for about 10 minutes or when it is completely dry. Do not put too much on, or else youll be sitting there forever.
  6. Eat the ramen while the mask dries (thats the best part)
  7. Rinse off the mask and splash cold water on your face. End with your favorite moisturizer.

You should feel rejuvenated and fresh! Try not to wear makeup for the next day so you can keep your pores nice and clean.

products used:

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